I know Easter 2009 was April 12, but it's never too early or too late to talk about Easter.
Easter to me is a time of renewal and transformation. I think that is why Spring is my favorite season. I was raised a Lutheran so I try my best to follow the holidays and rituals I followed as a child. Easter is no exception. I watched a lot of religious-themed films on TBN (the network has some great programming. Check it out here. I didn't realize the network is headquartered south of Los Angeles, in Santa Ana. What a treat.) ABC (I can't miss my annual viewing of The Ten Commandments and see Yvonne DeCarlo - my goodness, she was a beautiful woman.) and some great documentaries on some of other networks. I have a lot of networks on my TV and I did have a lot of Easter viewing at my discretion - my husband works for Time Warner Cable and free cable is one of the perks - sometimes it can be overwhelming with all the programming choices I get to pick from!
The crucifixion always spooks me. I think that is why I can't watch "The Passion of the Christ". I feel so very guilty watching the crucifixion depicted in films, but I know within my heart as a Christian, that Christ had to be crucified for me to have eternal life. It is such a cleansing feeling.
One ritual we have continued to follow is Easter Brunch. This year, we took the Easter Brunch Cruise with Hornblower Cruises in Newport Beach (this was actually a recommendation from one of my tutor students). They are also in Marina Del Rey, San Francisco, Berkeley and San Diego. I highly recommend taking a cruise with them. Here's a shout out to Hornblower for a fantastic time.
I have also re-energized myself through daily exercise. Half because I gained weight and half because it grounds me and keeps me centered in my spirituality. I am so grateful that I re-discovered my love of yoga, especially kundalini yoga - kundalini combines two loves - yoga and meditation. I also have re-discovered walking - being close to nature is another way for me to center myself in my spirituality. My third way is music. I am a big fan of classical and meditation music. My fourth way is to talk to God and the angels. I am a big fan of angels and Doreen Virtue. And, the fifth way that I center in my spirituality is spending a great amount of time with my dog, Folsom. He is my canine soul mate.
Being centered in my spirituality for me also means I am centered in my creativity. The two go hand-in-hand. I cannot have one without the other. They are my alpha and omega.
I want to send a special shout out to God Mythology blog for mentioning The Spiritual Creative.
Last, I want to leave you with something that happened to me recently. I wasn't able to move into a better place in my acting until I let go of something. I surrendered. I let go of the need to control, for me, that was going into my head. Lent is about surrender, letting go, because once we do this there is the transformation, the Easter in all of us, waiting to happen. Easter is in each of us - every day. Enjoy your Easter as you travel your path.