My friend Deb was walking her dog, Radar, recently, and he was attacked by two pekingese. My dog, Folsom, was attacked two years ago. There are countless accounts of dogs being attacked by other dogs - sometimes the incident is minor, sometimes not. I think we forget that having a dog is such a blessing - they love us unconditionally - no strings attached. A dog is a privilege and a responsibility. Love and nurture your dog, be grateful for your dog, care for your dog. Life is too short not to.
And so, I leave you with the following...
Unconditional Love
When a dog offers you his heart
Accept it with a smile
For his love will last a lifetime -
Which is such a little while.
When a dog offers you his heart
Take it gladly and with pride
For he will be a faithful friend
Ever by your side.
A dog loves you because you're you -
Not for how you speak or what job you do
You could be short, tall, thin or fat
Or ugly as sin, he doesn't care about that.
A dog knows if you're good or bad
He can see inside your soul
When he decides you're okay
To earn your love is his main goal.
When you're sad, he'll comfort you
And kiss away each tear
You may even wake up in the morning
With a cold nose in your ear.
When eventually the time comes
And the lights in his eyes dim
A new star will shine in Heaven
In remembrance of him.
You'll gaze up at the midnight sky
And you will hear him say -
"I'm so glad you were my human
We'll meet again some day!"
So, if this poem has caused a tear to fall
That's because you love the dog who's giving you his all
Go travel on together, happily paw in glove
He's the only one who'll ever give you unconditional love.
When a dog offers you his heart
Accept it with a smile
For his love will last a lifetime -
Which is such a little while.
By Hazel Harris-Lane
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